This morning I was up early as we were going to be at our last port which is also my favorite, Half Moon Cay. We headed for coffee and found a big surprise. An explosion of animals…towel that is!
It was the first time I’ve seen it and it was so fun. Sister T told me later there was one at the top of the slide that I missed seeing. It was a fun way to start the day.
Once the dining room opened we had breakfast there. I started off with my favorite ship pastry, the cinnamon roll. I’m not a fan of frosted cinnamon rolls and think the ship version is perfect. Probably a good thing I can’t find them ashore!

This was followed by more substantial food. 🙂
Then we gathered our beach bags and headed to the showroom where we would be given priority tender access. This was a bit of a mess frankly.
When entering the showroom, people were divided into three sections: Diamond, Platinum and Faster to the Fun. Once the tenders started being loaded, the person in charge kept sending diamonds and platinums (who were continuously arriving) and never looked over to the FTTF folks. Finally, one of the other workers took pity on us for waiting so long and sent the early arrivals from our section (including us) to the tender.
Finally, one of the other workers took pity on us for waiting so long and sent the early arrivals from our section (including us) to the tender. I understand going after the two high loyalty groups but it could have been better organized.
I think we were the last few to load on the second or third tender so there was plenty of chairs to choose from when we got to Half Moon Cay.
This is my first time there not buying a clam shell. I learned last time there are plenty of loungers in the shade when just one ship is visiting. We found two shady loungers by one of the cabanas and settled in.

We had a wonderful day. Three people had booked the cabana next to us and kindly shared their floating mats and when they returned to the ship they offered their snacks.
The lunch was okay. The chicken was the best item. Unfortunately, it was cut up into small pieces so you had to grab 3-4 of them to equal one regular sized piece.
After enjoying the beach another hour or two we gave up this perfect view and headed to the tender dock.
This sign says it all!
The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning up and relaxing. I didn’t even have time for my pre-dinner cocktail.
Again tonight I had an appetizer from the standard menu and one from the ports of call. Up first was the conch fritters.
Followed by chilled avocado soup. This was delicious.
I’m a roast turkey fan and will order it anytime it’s on the menu (as long as it’s not lobster night).
I prefer my cranberries in a sauce versus drizzled over my turkey but it was a pretty tasty meal.
For dessert I ordered the Carnival classic, Bitter and Blanc.
It was great as always.
I don’t remember what we did the rest of the evening but do have photographic evidence that a visit was paid to the Alchemy bar.
Upon returning to our cabin we found another time change notice.
But we also had a swinging friend.
Click the image below to see today’s Fun Times program.
If you missed the other parts of the recap the links are below.
November 2nd: Pre Cruise Travel
November 3rd: San Juan
November 4th: Embarkation
November 5th: St. Thomas
November 6th: St. Kitts
November 7th: Antigua
November 7th: Chef’s Table
November 8th: St. Maarten
November 9th: Sea Day
November 10th: Grand Turk
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