Sister T and I were last in Antigua in February, 2014 on the Carnival Freedom when we went to Miller’s Beach. We decided to try a different beach (after all Antigua is known for having 365 beaches) but first visit the Saturday Market.
Breakfast was an omelette from the Lido. I think I had two omelettes all cruise as the lines were usually very long. I caught it early and my bacon, spinach, and cheese omelette was very good.
I was able to get some pictures of St. John’s as we pulled into port.
Once we got off the ship Sister T. and I started walking towards the market. There were lots of vendors there selling tours or taxi rides. We ran into our tablemate, Carl, on the way and he walked with us.
It was crowded, noisy and full of people selling all the things people buy at the supermarket every week here at home.
The fruits and vegetables all looked very good. The meat wasn’t appealing to me but I’m not used to buying it outside a grocery store wrapped in plastic.
We were the only tourists I could see but it wasn’t dangerous or scary. Without buying anything we walked back to the port area to find a taxi for the beach while Carl was going to find a bar with free wi-fi and local beer.
A taxi driver approached us and asked if we wanted a tour or ride. That’s how we met Al.
Al was a very nice man who drives a minibus (not a van) that’s in excellent condition. Most importantly, he’s reliable and drives safely. He took us to Jolly Beach. I can’t remember the price but we paid him when he picked us up.
When we got to the beach he introduced us to the beach attendant who got us settled and took Al’s card so he could call us if we wanted to change our pick-up time. We decided on 12:30 pm though since we got there so early.
The beach was deserted at this point and we paid for two chairs and an umbrella. Although it never got too hot, the umbrella did protect us from one rain shower that came through.

More people did arrive but it never got crowded. Since we ate so early while there Sister T had french toast from the beach restaurant and I had chicken wings. Both were excellent but I can tell you prices were high. Antigua is not a bargain port.
When we left the beach to wait for Al, he was already there. Here’s one last picture of Jolly Beach. Click on it to enlarge.
Our ride back to the ship was uneventful and we spent the afternoon cleaning up, resting and relaxing. 😉
Tonight we dined at the Chef’s Table which will be a separate post. I did take pictures of the main dining room’s menu for you though.
Ports of Call menu..
and of course dessert!
Tonight’s towel animal was a dinosaur.
Click on the image below to see today’s Fun Times program.
If you missed the other parts of the recap the links are below.
November 2nd: Pre Cruise Travel
November 3rd: San Juan
November 4th: Embarkation
November 5th: St. Thomas
November 6th: St. Kitts
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