Are you a fast eater? I am, once I pick up the fork it doesn’t land until the food is gone. I don’t usually realize it unless I’m eating out with others who don’t have this bad habit. Sometimes I’m done eating and they still have half their food left.
This habit can lead to overeating because it takes a while for the brain to register food and start gauging fullness. One tip I learned at this week’s meeting was to put the fork down between bites and take a sip of water. I’ve been trying it the last few days and it’s harder than it sounds. I’m trying to make a new habit so we’ll see how I’m doing on this in a month!
Last week we had a hard time getting back to healthy eating. Part of that was not having been grocery shopping since vacation. We took care of this chore Sunday and have meals planned for the week.
The only glitch so far is that my husband went rogue and picked up a pumpkin pie while shopping at Costco for the roasted chicken. I had one piece last night but that’s it for me.
Okay, I knew weigh-in was going to be bad. After all I hadn’t been to Weight Watchers since going to Type A Parent conference the end of September! I was up already 3.6 p0unds per my scale before heading off on vacation.
The total gain was 7 pounds bringing my total loss this journey back to:
-23.4 pounds
I’m commited to getting this back off as soon as possible so I can be moving forward again.
Challenges Ahead
One of the challenges was last night when we had my son over for dinner. Instead of going out as usual, we had roasted chicken at home. The dessert wasn’t good but it’s within my weekly point allowance.
I’m leaving tomorrow on a short business trip which is always a challenge. Since my flight is later than usual (8:30 am) I plan to eat breakfast at home and pack a healthy lunch for the plane. Then I’ll just need to order with discipline for a change. I’ll be sure to practice the fork down habit to avoid overeating.
How did your week towards great health go?
I’m really bad at eating and not putting my fork down, I am always amazed at how full I get when I eat out with friends as I spend so much time talking and eating less
Sarah, I’m glad to know it’s not just me. Last night there were three of us at dinner (work trip) and I didn’t eat my entire meal because we were talking and it took long enough for me to realize I was full. That’s another reason it’s good to have a cup of soup or salad 15 minutes before the main course.