Years ago I heard about the dangers of BLTs. It’s not the sandwich but bites, licks and tastes. Think about the places you might just grab a bite of food or take a taste. Here are six I can think of right off the top of my head:
1. Grocery shopping – Costco is the worst but I also see the food demonstrators (or whatever we should call them) at other grocery stores.
2. Parties – Appetizers, potlucks and basically meals where you’re not doing the planning can be pitfalls.
3. Cooking – How many tastes are you doing while cooking.
4. Other people’s plates – If you’re not finishing off your kids plate, it grabbing a taste from your significant other’s.
5. Meetings – Doughnuts, cookies, candy and chips have all been at meetings I’ve attended.
6. Putting Away Leftovers – Cleaning up the kitchen doesn’t mean eating up the leftovers!
At my Saturday morning Weight Watchers meeting we discussed strategies for dealing with these unplanned foods. Ideas included:
1. Pour salt or water on the excess food so you won’t eat it.
2. Take your own food to parties or meetings.
3. Go grocery shopping when the food demonstrators aren’t working.
4. Pay someone else to put away leftovers.
5. Decide it’s worth it and count the points.
I have taken my own food to parties or meetings. We also throw away food so we won’t be tempted especially sweets that are left over after a family gathering. We try to give it away but if there are no takers into the trash it goes.
Food Plan & Weigh-In
After successfully navigating airports, a conference and restaurants the week before it was harder last week. I did okay the first day of travel but went off the rails on the way home and the following day.
It started when I bought M&M’s at the airport and blew up from there. I realized later I was eating to compensate for being overtired. Fortunately I held it to two days and got back on track Thursday.
This was my favorite meal all week. It was pesto-crusted halibut from Redstone’s American Grill in Minneapolis. Delicious!
Those two days of overeating didn’t outweigh the 12 days of being on plan. I lost .6 pounds for a total loss of:
47.2 Pounds
Challenges Ahead
I’m getting on a plane again Wednesday heading to Savannah for Fitbloggin’ 14. The good news is that Roni Noone has lots of healthy food planned. But I’ll still be eating out for several meals including a dinner at Paula Deen’s restaurant, The Lady and Sons.
Hopefully the fitness sessions I’ll be attending will help balance out Paula’s butter. 🙂
How did your week towards great health go?
I have always done the water on my food thing, though my husband thinks it’s disgusting 🙂
I might have to try that if I’m in a restaurant and can’t stop picking up the dang fries or something equally addicting.
I could not imagine throwing away good left overs. That just seems so wasteful to me. How ever having someone else put them away is probably a good idea.
Danielle, I understand as being wasteful is a pet peeve of mine. But if the food is something I can’t resist or give away (mostly sugary treats) it does get trashed.
If they will cause me to eat beyond my food plan, then it is doing far more harm to me than it would to throw away the food. Now, if I can put away the left overs and eat them slowly so that it doesn’t hurt my food plan, then that is fine.
Kitty, I’m the same way. It’s more important to stay on plan than make sure we eat every morsel. I take a lot of sweets we get to the office where they’ll enjoy it.