I was awake for a few hours in the night unfortunately but got up for good around 5:30. It was dark out but we could see San Diego ahead.

I had coffee and then a chocolate croissant when the lido marketplace opened at 6 am.
Then I went back to the cabin to finish packing up before breakfast in the MDR at 7 am. It’s a beautiful sunrise of downtown.

Breakfast in the dining room was not very busy. I started with muesli.
Then followed it up with the banana bread french toast.
It is so good! We then waited in our cabin for our number to be called. While waiting I took screenshots of my final bill since they don’t deliver printouts. I’m glad I did because I didn’t get an email copy either like you do from Royal Caribbean.
When they called our number it was an uninterrupted walk off once we got an elevator. We did have a line for immigration where our passports were being checked in person. Once we were done with that it was easy to find our luggage in the next room of the terminal.
My husband was waiting out in the parking lot where there were less than 10 other vehicles (including shuttles ).
On roundabout way to the airport (had to turn right out of the cruise terminal and the airport is down the same road to the left) we passed this sculpture I hadn’t seen before.
Then we dropped brother E at the terminal and headed to our home. I had one last sight of the Koningsdam.
Here is the disembarkation information.
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