Podcasts are a great way to learn when your mind isn’t occupied doing anything. I like to listen to them while driving, flying or exercising. I subscribe to all of my regulars via iTunes and they’re free. Last year I shared my five favorite health podcasts and I have five more to add to the list.
Nacho Mama’s Podcast
Margo is Nacho Mama and she has a very entertaining podcast with a wide range of topics ranging from healthy cooking to food finds to Housewives of Orange County. I met Margo at Fitbloggin’ 13 and learned she has lost over 75 pounds three times!
Her podcasts are fun and it feels like you’re having coffee with a friend.
Lifestyle Accountability Show
I first heard of the Lifestyle Accountability Show hosted by Adam and Devon Bate when they reached out to me regarding being on the show. Before responding, I listened to a couple of episodes and was hooked.
It is very inspiring to hear the stories of others who have successfully changed their lives no matter where they are in their journey. If you’re interested you can listen to my interview (episode 93) as well!
Tips of the Scale
Sam Lomeli hosts Tips of the Scale which also shares weight loss success stories in addition to interviewing health and fitness experts. The interviews are perfect for when I need motivation to keep on keeping on.
Sam recently started a membership site, Scale Warrior Village, that I’ve joined and I’m looking forward to extra support and education.
Logical Weight Loss
The reason I like the Logical Weight Loss podcast is that the host, David Jackson, is in the midst of his weight loss journey. He’s struggling with some of the same issues I do and that makes it very relatable.
He covers a variety of topics all related to wellness and weight loss ranging from how much he likes his Fitbit to the new Health app from Apple.
High Impact Blogging
This last one is probably only of interest to bloggers but since many readers do blog, I wanted to share it. High Impact Blogging is hosted by Laura Williams and she interviews top health and fitness bloggers, vloggers and social media influencers.
It’s a great way to get tips and I get at least one new site or resource to check out every episode.
Check out these five (and the original list if you haven’t already) podcasts and you just become a regular listener. I’m always on the lookout for new-to-me podcasts for inspiration. Do you subscribe to any podcasts and if so, what’s your favorite?
Thanks so much for the shout-out, Kay Lynn! Proud to be among such great company, and to have you in the Village. Have a great weekend!