This week the world lost one of our greatest poets, authors and women with the passing of Maya Angelou. She has so many well-known quotes but this is one my favorite at this point in my life.
My journey to the best health I can have has encountered defeats, but I take to heart her advice to not be defeated. I may lose battles but will not lose the war (to paraphrase Charles de Gaulle).
It’s hard to be sad when someone has lived such a full and long life. Instead, let’s celebrate and give thanks to have had Ms. Angelou!
Around the Web
Here are some of my favorite posts from the blogosphere this week.
Weight Wars is hosting a June Marathon challenge. This is something we can all can do; walk or run 26.2 miles in June. Follow along on twitter using #JuneMarathon.
Please watch this video that was made to get funding via Kickstarter for the full-length film, Embrace, on body image. It brought tears to my eyes! Thanks to Roni’s Weigh for sharing!
Laugh Lines shares the secret rules shared by all grandmas (no matter which name we go by)! Enjoy this hilarious post.
My family had only bottled salad dressings when I was growing up. Here’s a simple vinaigrette recipe from Kitchen Treaty I thought someone else besides me could use.
Kalyn’s Kitchen has a tasty-looking recipe for Red, White and Blueberry salad. I’ll have to remember this one for the Fourth of July!
How do you feel about planks? I have a hate-love relationship but am intrigued by the June Plank Challenge at From Fat to Fit Chick. You gotta check out the graphic that shows the muscles used in a plank.
Good Food for Bad Cooks has a great infographic that shows the clean 15 and dirty dozen fruits/veggies. You can print it or download!
Here are some easy ways to add balance training to your workouts from FitKnitChick. It’s something I need to work on.
Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans has a 30 day strong arms challenge just in case you need another June challenge!
I’ve been on this weight loss journey for over 17 months so appreciate the 20 ways to avoid weight loss drudgery from Fit to the Finish.
Blog Giveaways
I’ll have a new giveaway starting this week but until then here are some others to enter.
Two Savvy Sisters is giving away a prize pack of Shout stain remover products. Entries close June 3rd. We are also hosting a giveaway for 3 FREE product coupons for Jumbo packs of Luvs Diapers.
Enter for a chance to win a multifunction scale at MetamorFit before it closes June 2nd.
Weight Watcher Girl is hosting a giveaway for a digital food scale along with measuring spoons. It ends June 9th.
Enter the blogiversary giveaway at Fitful Focus where you can win of four prize packs. Entries close June 10th.
Under the Big Oak Tree is giving away a portable charger. It’d be great for your devices. Entries close June 6th.
Enter to win three flavors of Enerchi bites at Gluten Free Boston Girl.
That’s all for this edition. Hope your week is off to a great start!
Thanks for sharing my giveaway 🙂