Do you have an item that motivates you to stay the course during your weight loss journey? It could be a picture of you at either your biggest or smallest size. Maybe it’s a piece of clothing you want to wear again. Whatever it is, these types of items can remind you of your goals and help give you strength to reach them. They’re called anchors.
There were great ideas at the meeting ranging from a belt that showed all the holes from previous sizes to a necklace of paper clips where each clip represented one pound loss. I am going to find a picture of me at my idea size and use that.
I really can’t complain, but I was a little disappointed to have only lost .4 pounds last week. That brings the total loss to:
22.2 Pounds
My focus this week will be on the fact that I’m on a journey, not participating in a race.:)
Weekly Movement
I earned 24 activity points again this week. In addition to the two pilates classes we walked four times. Three of them were for 1 hour. The one with our basset hound was only 30 minutes.
Challenges Ahead
Yesterday was our anniversary so I took advantage of activity points to eat more than usual and have a celebratory beverage. We even had dessert although mine was fruits sorbet. There aren’t any other events this week and I’ll be cooking most evenings.
How was your journey to fitness and good health last week?
Congratulations on being so consistent! Since you are changing your life and health, take those small loses and keep pushing.
Great job, Kay Lynn!
It definitely slows down after the initial drop, but learning to roll with the smaller drops is a key to success. The longer it takes to drop, the longer it will stay off, that’s the way to look at it!
Congratulations! Losing weight over a longer time teaches us how to change our habits. I lost 35-40 lbs. about 35 years ago and managed to keep it off. I even stopped weighing myself because I have a better feeling of how to monit0or my weight.