Fitbloggin’ was an unusual blog conference experience for me because my husband came on the trip. His son lives just 40 miles from Savannah so we combined the conference with a family visit. Of course, getting the $48 round trip tickets on Delta due to a pricing mistake didn’t hurt! 🙂
I hadn’t flown Delta in a while and was impressed with their inflight service and amenities. We actually had free snacks! Best of all were the personal seat back entertainment consoles with complimentary movies and a USB port for charging devices. My phone was connected right away.
After landing in Savannah late we spent the night at a Days Inn near the airport. It was a good value for the price and included complimentary breakfast in the morning. We drove over our son’s home and I got to see it for the first time.
The price of homes in Georgia are amazing compared to California!
Our daughter-in-law got away from the office and joined us for lunch at Applebee’s. I’d hadn’t eaten at this chain in quite a while and was impressed with the choices. Our son teamed up with me on the 2 for $20 menu.
We both got side salads and I chose the Chicken Freshcado which is one of the Weight Watchers endorsed menu items (11 points) and has 440 calories. The meal was fantastic and left me wondering why I don’t eat there more often. It was a great value!
I left my husband with the “kids” and headed back to Savannah and the official Fitbloggin’ hotel, the Hyatt. When I walked into the hotel I saw friends gathered in the lobby and the hugfest started!
There was a little time for me to unpack before heading to registration and decorating my Fitbloggin’ badge. It’s pretty plain compared to others but veggies and football are two of my favorite things.
Denise, her husband and I headed out to find a local Weight Watchers meeting. After just a little circling we found it… right past Cici’s pizza. I guess that’s the same temptation as our meeting site which is two doors down from a donut store.
We weighed in, snapped a selfie and then stayed for meeting. It was just like attending a meeting at home except with lovely southern accents. The room could have been the mirror image of our center.
I really enjoyed the leader as she had a great sense of humor.
After the meeting we had dinner from the Flavorful under 500 menu at Longhorn Steakhouse. It also comes with a side salad minus the cheese and croutons. We then headed back to the hotel so I could attend the Ghost tour!
Yes we took a tour of the “ghostly” sites in the back of a hearse.
Photo by: Carrie D Photography
I’m the last one on the right in the hearse. This tour wasn’t as fun as I thought it’d be but it was still a good time. It was hard to see anything because it was so dark. I walked back to the hotel at the end while some headed off to nearby bars and restaurants.
Friday morning was going to be here before I knew it with a 6 am wake-up!
Have you ever taken a ghost tour anywhere?
Hello Kay! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog. I’m on a quest to lose 160 pounds, and being able to read everyone’s recaps of FitBloggin ’14 has been SO inspiring! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Stephanie, thank you for your kind words. I really like your blog as well. Keep in touch as we both continue our journeys!
I agree the ghost tour left a little to be desired. I even forgot to put it in my recap! Oops! I took a walking ghost tour in St Augustine, FL and I feel that one was a bit better because you didn’t just whiz past each place, you actually stopped and stood in front while the tour guide was giving you the history. It gave you a few minutes to reflect on what was being said.
Hi Denise, I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one that thought the ghost tour didn’t live up to expectations. We passed a walking tour while on the hearse and I bet it was better like the one you had in Florida.
Way to commit to a weigh in and meeting while on vacation!! It was great to see you again =)
Stephanie, I was very happy to see you there! I am really glad we went to the meeting because it kept our long term goals in mind while vacationing.
I have to admit, the meals look great. Applebees must have changed their menu because it was totally fat filled for years. I don’t go there because of it but maybe i should check the menu again.
Carol, it had been about five years since I last ate there and I was glad to see the delicious and healthier menu items. We’re adding it to our casual dining rotation.