With the time change I was up shortly before 6 am for the second crossing day at sea.
Morning at Sea
I went to the Great Outdoors and had coffee and journaled. It’s about same temperature as yesterday and still dark although seas feel pretty calm. We have no reservations today so it’s definitely free styling.
Later Sister T. and I had breakfast in the buffet. I found the corned beef hash and had that along with muesli which wa good; not in the mood for eggs.
While eating breakfast I noticed this sign for tonight’s buffet theme.
What is country and western food?
I decided to go to the novice bridge lesson. Well, novice isn’t the same thing as beginning, haha. Plus they apparently are building upon knowledge since first sea day. But the instructor is very knowledgeable and I think it’s great that NCL offers his services. They then play bridge two hours a day.
Afterwards, I went to the canvas by u class to paint tulips.
It was fun and I have another piece of “art” to add to the palm trees I did earlier in the year.
Afternoon at Sea
After painting I met Sister T and we first headed to Taste for lunch. When we found out they had the same menu as yesterday, we changed our minds and went to O’Sheehan’s.
We both started with the cream of yellow pea soup (listed as bean soup).
My next course was chicken wings.
This was followed by chicken fajitas.
It’s good but smaller serving. Sister T. had the chopped salad and a hot dog.
We were surprised by the number of tomato slices in there (four!). After lunch I was ready for a nap which took care of the rest of the afternoon along with reading.
Evening at Sea
Shakers was pretty packed when it opened as it some people were still finishing up their drinks from the martini tasting event. We found two seats off to the side and I went up and found our favorite server, Edu, after we waited quite a while to order. We weren’t in her area but she brought our drinks shortly afterwards. Today we went with Citrus Gems.
When Taste opened for dinner, we headed over there and were happy to have Rajesh as our server again.

Rajesh was our server again (he is very good) and we had a great table. I had corn bisque to start while Sister T. had the loaded corn on the cob.
For second course we both had salads. Mine was caesar (with an interesting presentation).
Sister T. had the Asian Chicken and Vegetable salad.
For entrees, I went with the beef tenderloin teriyaki.
Sister T. went with the baby back pork ribs. I thought about that one.
The dessert menu was also good tonight.
Sister T. had the lemon meringue which she said was very tart.
I had the mocha pot de creme which was yummy.
I did go to the show this evening. It was an illusionist by the name of Jessica Jane (Peterson). She was very good and I would enjoy seeing her show again.
Afterwards, I went back to the cabin and watched an episode of Mad Men before bed. Clocks go back another hour tonight!
Below is today’s Freestyle Daily. Click on the image for the full PDF.
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